All important modules and functions in one PIM system

Enjoy Digitization with ANTEROS

ANTEROS® offers features that help you to centrally and efficiently maintain product data, images and documents. Using this central data pool as a product knowledge base and for data exports, you can also build professional online stores and apps as well as fully automatically generate product catalogs, price lists, labels and data sheets. Unlike most other PIM systems, ANTEROS offers these functions in one fully integrated system and in a high quality, allowing you to implement your increasing product data tasks in a highly structured and extremely efficient manner.

An Overview of the ANTEROS Functions

Central management of all media

MAM, DAM - Images, Videos and Documents

Not only can you efficiently maintain your images, videos and documents in the ANTEROS media database, but you can also provide these files to colleagues, partners or retailers in your media portal in a way that makes it easy for them to find and download. Access rights let you specify who is allowed to see what.

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ANTEROS text translation is very efficient

TM - Efficient Translation of Your Texts

ANTEROS makes translation so easy and efficient that many ANTEROS customers now offer their product data in considerably more languages and thus achieve significant advantages when dealing with their customers, partners and distributors. Product data or sales materials in your customers' language attract much more attention, and this translates into profits for you.

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Simple data preparation through ANTEROS.damex

DAMEX - Preparation of External Data

Benefit from flexible filter and mapping functions to prepare data from your suppliers, partners or external systems for your own PIM structures or to bring your own PIM data into other structures for your customers. You can freely define the mappings between the structures and reuse them again and again for re-imports or exports.

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Create labels automatically

Product Labels - Create Labels from PIM Data

You can automatically create labels from your product data, e.g. for packaging or repackaging labels or labels for retailer shelves. Used in conjunction with the efficient maintenance of product data and translations, the label generation process is implemented in a much more time-saving and economical manner.

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Apps for Android and iOS

Apps - Based on Data from PIM and MAM

The ANTEROS apps allow your customers and interested parties to conveniently search through your products, compare them and, with the store option, also order them. Furthermore, there is an integrated barcode scanner that uses barcodes photographed by cell phone camera to perform a targeted search of your products. The apps can be installed via the Google and Apple app-stores.

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When is the Use Recommended?

  • You need an overview of your vast amount of product data, e.g. for your product management or your sales staff both domestically and abroad.
  • Your customers, partners and distributors want your product data, perhaps even in different formats or for different product ranges.
  • Your distributors repeatedly want product images from you for their own sales documents or online stores, and they want them in specific image formats. Currently, searching for and converting images ties up a lot of your employees' time.
  • Export business requires product data in more and more languages.
  • You want to implement more and/or customized marketing materials in less time, while not increasing your staff.
  • You want to maintain product data efficiently for multiple media formats (print, web, app, customer exports).
  • You need catalogs, price lists, spare parts lists, etc. in multiple languages, but don't want to re-enter new products or product changes for each language to avoid errors and significantly save time.
  • You want to offer customer-specific catalogs or excerpt catalogs to your customers and generate them on demand, with virtually no extra work or extra costs.

ANTEROS in Comparison with Other Systems

ANTEROS is the only PIM system in which features for product data maintenance and translation support, the media database, the print engine and the web store are all fully integrated in one system. There is no need to transfer data to other systems via interfaces, thereby significantly speeding up your processes.

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Software Demo of ANTEROS

Simplify and accelerate the digitization and usage of your product data with ANTEROS.

You can enjoy digitization with ANTEROS.

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