INCONY Customer Survey 2007

INCONY's Customer Survey 2007

In 2007 the consulting firm Grothus van Koten was commissioned to collect and analyze the data for us. The following is a presentation of the representative points of the customer survey.

1. How Satisfied Our Customers Are With Us And Our Software

All respondents indicate satisfaction of over 50%, two-thirds being 75% or more satisfied. 17% are even thrilled.

Statistics of the 2007 INCONY customer survey

2. What INCONY Should Improve and What We Are Already Planning

  • License costs 3.2 comes with a new pricing model, which is even more modular and thus offers more favorable license costs for initial steps or those with lower requirements
  • Data Transfer 3.2 provides much more extensive import-export functions; in addition to the XML format, product data can now also be directly imported in CSV or Excel format and multiple options are available (e.g. only export products from a search query)
  • Configuration Capabilities of the Software
    The configuration options will be gradually improved with the next versions, being driven by customer projects

3. What INCONY is Already Excellent at, That Should be Presented More Clearly

INCONY has competent employees
Competent employees
INCONY offers reliable support
Reliable support
INCONY offers quick comprehension
Quick comprehension
INCONy has short response times
Short response times
ANTEROS provides great software stability
Software stability
INCONY employees show a high level of commitment
High level of commitment
ANTEROS provides impressive flexibility

4. Willingness to Recommend INCONY to Others

74% would gladly recommend INCONY to others without any restrictions

26% would recommend INCONY to others with certain reservations

0% would not recommend INCONY

Thank you to everyone who, through their participation, gave us the assurance that we are on the right track and, through their cooperation, have laid the foundation for further improvements.

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